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Digital Logic Design Multiple Choice Questions Pdf

The section contains multiple choice questions and answers on half adder, full adder, half subtractor, full subtractor, 4-bit parallel adders and subtracters, fast adder, serial adder, BCD adder, basics of arithmetic operation and simplification of k-maps.

Digital logic design multiple choice questions pdf


7. For every possible combination of logical states in the inputs, which table shows the logical state of a digital circuit output?A. Function tableB. ASCII tableC. Truth tableD. Routing table

Digital logic design can be a challenging subject, but with a little practice and understanding, it can be easy to get a handle on the concepts. This article provides multiple choice questions with answers to help you learn more about digital logic design.

Digital logic design quick study guide includes revision guide with verbal, quantitative, and analytical past papers, solved MCQs. Digital Logic Design Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs) PDF book download, a book covers solved quiz questions and answers on chapters: Algorithmic state machine, asynchronous sequential logic, binary systems, Boolean algebra and logic gates, combinational logics, digital integrated circuits, DLD experiments, MSI and PLD components, registers counters and memory units, simplification of Boolean functions, standard graphic symbols, synchronous sequential logics tests for college and university revision guide. Digital Logic Design Quiz Questions and Answers PDF download with free sample book covers beginner's solved questions, textbook's study notes to practice tests.

Practice "Algorithmic State Machine MCQ" PDF book with answers, test 1 to solve MCQ questions: Introduction to algorithmic state machine, algorithmic state machine chart, ASM chart, control implementation in ASM, design with multiplexers, state machine diagrams, and timing in state machines.

Practice "Asynchronous Sequential Logic MCQ" PDF book with answers, test 2 to solve MCQ questions: Introduction to asynchronous sequential logic, analysis of asynchronous sequential logic, circuits with latches, design procedure of asynchronous sequential logic, and transition table.

Practice "Binary Systems MCQ" PDF book with answers, test 3 to solve MCQ questions: Binary systems problems, complements in binary systems, character alphanumeric codes, arithmetic addition, binary codes, binary numbers, binary storage and registers, code, decimal codes, definition of binary logic, digital computer and digital system, error detection code, gray code, logic gates, number base conversion, octal and hexadecimal numbers, radix complement, register transfer, signed binary number, subtraction with complement, switching circuits, and binary signals.

Practice "Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates MCQ" PDF book with answers, test 4 to solve MCQ questions: Basic definition of Boolean algebra, digital logic gates, axiomatic definition of Boolean algebra, basic algebraic manipulation, theorems and properties of Boolean algebra, Boolean functions, complement of a function, canonical and standard forms, conversion between canonical forms, standard forms, integrated circuits, logical operations, operator precedence, product of maxterms, sum of minterms, and Venn diagrams.

Practice "Combinational Logics MCQ" PDF book with answers, test 5 to solve MCQ questions: Introduction to combinational logics, full adders in combinational logics, design procedure in combinational logics, combinational logics analysis procedure, adders, Boolean functions implementations, code conversion, exclusive or functions, full subtractor, half adders, half subtractor, multi-level NAND circuits, multi-level nor circuits, subtractors in combinational logics, transformation to and-or diagram, and universal gates in combinational logics.

Practice "Digital Integrated Circuits MCQ" PDF book with answers, test 6 to solve MCQ questions: Introduction to digital integrated circuit, bipolar transistor characteristics, special characteristics of circuits and integrated circuits.

Practice "DLD Lab Experiments MCQ" PDF book with answers, test 7 to solve MCQ questions: Introduction to lab experiments, adder and subtractor, binary code converters, code converters, combinational circuits, design with multiplexers, digital logic design experiments, digital logic gates, DLD lab experiments, sequential circuits, flip-flops, lamp handball, memory units, serial addition, shift registers, and simplification of Boolean function.

Practice "MSI and PLD Components MCQ" PDF book with answers, test 8 to solve MCQ questions: Introduction to MSI and PLD components, binary adder and subtractor, carry propagation, decimal adder, decoders and encoders, introduction to combinational logics, magnitude comparator, multiplexers, and read only memory.

Practice "Synchronous Sequential Logics MCQ" PDF book with answers, test 12 to solve MCQ questions: Introduction to synchronous sequential logic, flip-flops in synchronous sequential logic, clocked sequential circuits, clocked sequential circuits analysis, design of counters, design procedure in sequential logic, flip-flops excitation tables, state reduction and assignment, and triggering of flip-flops.

Explanation: MOSFET stands for Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effects Transistor. It is a semiconductor device that is extensively used for switching and amplifying the signals in digital devices. The MOSFET is the main part of any integrated circuits, and it can be designed in a single chip because of its small sizes. It is a four-terminal device: source(S), gate(g), drain(d), and body(b). The body(b) is connected to the source, making MOSFETS a three-terminal device like a field-effect transistor. MOSFETS can be used in both digital and Analog circuits, so it is one of the widely used transistors in digital circuits.

Explanation: DeMorgan's theorems play a vital role in digital electronics. It gives an equivalency between the logic gates. There are two distinct types of DeMorgan's theorems: the first gives the equivalent of the NAND gate, and the other gives the equivalent of the NOR gate. As per the dual property of DeMorgan's theorem (AB)' = A' + B' & (A+B) = A' * B'

An XNOR refers to a digital logic gate with two or more inputs and one output that executes logical equality. The output of an XNOR gate is true either all of its inputs are true, or all of its inputs are false. When one of its inputs is false, and others are true, then the output is false. The output of the XNOR gate is given by the following equation.

Explanation: CMOS stands for Complimentary Metal Oxide Semiconductor, which allows low power consumption and less density because it does not consume power in the OFF state. It is a digital logic that utilizes a pair of complementary field-effect transistors to switch the electric current. When the logic gate is ON, one transistor is in on, whereas the other is in OFF condition.

Explanation: TTL stands for Transistor-Transistor logic. It is a class of type of digital circuits made up of bipolar junction transistors and resistors. BJT has two types of charge carriers: the first one is the electron and the holes. There are two types of BJTs: NPN and PNP. In TTL, resistors play a very short role, and both logic gating and amplifying functions are carried out by the transistors.

Explanation: CMOS stands for Complimentary Metal Oxide Semiconductor. It is a type of (mostly) digital logic that uses a pair of complementary field-effect transistors to switch electric current. There are some analog CMOS devices; they are a lot less common. CMOS technology is used in many electronic devices like Microprocessor, Ram, Microcontroller, and other logic circuits. When the gate is ON, one transistor is on, and the other is off. When the gate is OFF, the first transistor is off, and the other is ON.

The basic building blocks of the arithmetic unit in digital computers are known as adders. Adder is the Arithmetic mathematical function derived out of Logic gates. So, Adder always plays a major role in understanding Digital Electronics. The simplest but the most powerful application of logic gates is Adder. A full adder is similar to a half adder except that instead of 2 inputs and two outputs, there are now three inputs and two outputs. The inputs are carry-in (Cin), X, and Y. Your outputs remain the same, sum, and carry-out (Cout).

Explanation: The total number of inputs in a half adder is 2. The half adder circuit has two inputs: P and Q, which add two input digits and generate a carry and sum. With the help of half Adder, we can design circuits capable of performing simple addition with the help of logic gates. An EXOR gate has two inputs and carries links to input EXOR gates. The output of the half added is also two, SUM and CARRY.

Explanation: A demultiplexer or DEMUX is a device that takes a single input line and routes it to one of several digital output lines. A demultiplexer of 2n outputs has n number of select lines, which are used to choose which output line send the input. A demultiplexer is also known as data distributor.

Logic questions can be tricky to answer. They often require knowledge of logic, the rules of grammar, and the ability to think critically. This makes it difficult for students to answer these types of questions on their own.

However, there are multiple-choice questions that can help students learn about logic. These questions are designed to test whether a student has understood the material and can apply it to a real-world situation.

Logic design is the process of designing a system or module relying on logical operations. The goal is to create a system that is efficient, easy to use, and error-free. Logic designs can be implemented in software or hardware and can be used in a variety of applications.

Logic designs can be divided into three main categories: conditional logic, sequential logic, and computer algorithms. Conditional logic deals with the Boolean algebra (or combinations) of two variables. Sequential logic deals with the ordering of operations within a given sequence. Computer algorithms are specific methods for solving mathematical problems using computers.

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